From Our Pastor
Dear Church Family,
These are exciting days at First Baptist Flora! God is certainly pouring out His blessings on us as we continue to see our church grow both numerically and spiritually. Because of this, we must expand our vision for our church so that we can continue “Making Much of JESUS!” in every way possible.
For several years prior to my arrival as your Pastor, there has been a vision to build a sanctuary to accommodate the growth of this church body, as well as provide for the future needs of the church as our community continues to flourish. That vision has been brought to fruition with a design proposed for a beautiful new sanctuary to be used to worship Jesus and proclaim the Gospel to even more people in our community and region. To continue the growth and progress of our church, we plan to:
Prioritize the worship of God by building a 700-seat sanctuary for corporate worship services.
Strengthen our music ministry by including adequate rehearsal space
Enhance the fellowship of our church by providing a spacious gathering area in the entrance atrium, equipped with a coffee bar and comfortable seating areas. This space can also be used for discipleship groups to meet.
Provide our senior adults with ground floor classroom space that is easily accessible from the parking lot, as well as upper floor classroom space for other Life Groups and Bible study groups.
Include architectural elements that will honor the timeless beauty of our present sanctuary.
Ephesians 3:20 tells us that our God is able to do “immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine according to HIS power that is at work within us.” We are believing that promise! As God’s people trust Him and His power and provision, we will build on faith a facility that will glorify Him and equip His people for generations to come. Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will benefit greatly from our bold step of faith right now.
As your Pastor, I challenge you to prayerfully consider what God would have you give to this vital effort. Join in as we see Him do “Immeasurably More” in our midst!
I love each of you and am so honored to be your Pastor! Now…Let’s GO!!!
In His Grip,
Bro. Jon
Giving Goals
A VICTORY Goal of... $1,600,000
A CHALLENGE Goal of... $2,200,000
A HALLELUJAH Goal of... $3,200,000
“Not equal gifts, but equal sacrifice.”
Submit your pledge on a commitment card.
Meet the Committee
Will Lawrence, Campaign Director
Ted Lewis, Follow-up Director
Addie Stanford, Promotion Director
Dwayne Moak, Advance Commitment Director
Donna Hardin, Campaign Secretary
Gina Bozeman, Campaign Events Director
Tim Stewart, Commitment Visitation Director
Harvey Bozeman, Spiritual Emphasis Director
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”
For the next three years, the church will receive regular updates on the status of pledges.
New members will also be given the opportunity to participate, and former and current members will be given the opportunity to offer Legacy Gifts to the campaign.
Sacrificial Giving
In order to meet the goal, it will require sacrificial giving, above our regular tithe and offering. Our capital campaign consultant called it "equal sacrifice, not equal gifts." To help put our goals in perspective, consider these examples.
300 families at $25 a week for 3 years = $1,170,000
200 families at $25 a week for 3 years = $780,000
250 families at $100 a week for 3 years = $3,900,000
100 families at $100 a week for 3 years = $1,560,000
100 families at $50 a week for 3 years = $780,000
If you combine any of these examples to total 400 families
(roughly the number of families in the church), you can see that our goals are possible.

First Floor
Second Floor
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, we are asking that you give to this campaign in addition to your regular tithe. The ministry needs of the church will continue, and it is vital that the budgeted giving does not suffer at the expense of the Immeasurably More Campaign.
Our Financial Secretary is the only person that will know the amount of each family's pledge. This information will not be shared with the pastor, the steering committee, or any other individual.
You are being asked to make a three-year pledge, which can be given weekly, monthly, yearly, or in a lump sum. You will be mailed a statement regarding your pledge and current giving twice a year, along with your regular giving statement. We ask that you do everything possible to fulfill your pledge, but we know that life changes. If you fall behind, you and our Financial Secretary will know this information. You will never be sent a bill, and no one will ever attempt to collect your pledge from you.
From the Campaign Director
Dear Church Family,
Several weeks ago, our church accepted a challenge to raise money for a new sanctuary. To meet this challenge, our church body has entered a financial campaign called Immeasurably More, “Building on Faith”. This program is designed for each member to participate, by stepping out in faith to help meet this challenge. I firmly believe that God has placed this campaign in our hands to supply the financial needs to advance HIS Kingdom here at First Baptist Church Flora.
Your Immeasurably More Steering Committee is praying for our church members to unite in this effort. This challenge will be met by committed hearts and sacrificial giving of every church member.
Please continue praying concerning your and your family’s financial commitment in this Immeasurably More Campaign.
Your Brother in Christ,
Will Lawrence
Immeasurably More Steering Committee – Campaign Director
Additional questions can be sent to wclawrence23@gmail.com